a memoir
coming in 2025
As an author, playwright, and occasionally clever person, T.M. Camp has been telling stories to people all over the world for over thirty years. He has published four novels and written over thirty plays. Audio files of his books and podcasts have been downloaded over 80,000 times (which sounds more impressive than it actually is).
Despite his better judgement, T.M. is currently writing his first work of nonfiction… a memoir.
He lives in an old house in western Michigan with his excellent, lovely wife and an indeterminate number of cats, children, and ghosts.
the plays(coming soon)

the old blog
Back in the early days of the internet, I kept up an intermittent, on-again/off-again routine blogging on this website.
Essays, poetry, random musings, travelogues, photography, creative updates, political diatribes, veiled glimpses into my eroding sanity…
What can I say? It was all I had before social media came along.
The very first post was on January 7th, 2001. The last time I posted to the blog was on October 22nd, 2017.
It occurs to me as I write this on September 19th, 2024, I was about half the age I am now, when I made that first post.
The world, online and off, has changed a great deal since then… and, I suppose, so have I.
But it seems wrong somehow to just let all of that fall away, so I’ve preserved it here for anyone who might be curious.