So, this happened…

In the kitchenette at work… “Morning.” My coworker, recently returned from maternity leave, observes me boiling water. “Making tea again.” “Yes.” “Do you ever drink coffee?” “Sometimes . . . it’s a little bit bitter, though.” “Yeah. I only drink it here at work.” I nod. “I didn’t really discover […]

Fragments from Florida

Waking up early, a few hours after I usually go to bed, gives me an odd moment of deja vu — I’m awake, it’s dark and quiet, I should be writing. But I can’t, because I’m meant to be getting on an airplane. That doesn’t stop my mind from working […]

The Kitchen Sink Post

The weather has drifted down into the cooler temperatures, slowing everything down a little bit more each day — including this this blog post, which I’ve rewritten and added to six times to reflect the changing reality over the past month. And so, I’m hurrying to post it before anything else happens to force another rewrite.

Till the monster stirred…

The storms came in yesterday afternoon, scraping across the lake. The sky went from blue to black in a matter of minutes, the wind kicked up and the horizontal rain turned the street outside the office into a canal. We stood at the windows and watched, the overhead lights flickering […]