Starship Sofa review of “Assam & Darjeeling”

Starship Sofa

Over at Starship Sofa, they’re running Julie Davis’ very kind review of “Assam & Darjeeling” in their latest podcast. She’s expanded her comments a bit further than in her original review, but in case you missed it…

One of the truest pleasures of Assam & Darjeeling is the relationship between the forceful younger sister, Darjeeling, and the thoughtful, sensitive older brother, Assam. The way that they work together to save their mother, yet often clash in the details of how they must proceed is what carries the story and makes us believe in their relationship. It rings true to anyone who has siblings whom they love but who also have the capacity to irritate beyond belief in daily life.

The prolonged squeee sound you hear is, of course, me. I’ll stop eventually.

You can download the full podcast and review here or through iTunes.

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