Back from Black

We’re back. It looks like yesterday’s SOPA/PIPA protest got some attention and, hopefully, made enough waves to get the right people thinking in the right way. For once. At the very least, it gave me a chance to play in the #FactsWithoutWikipedia game for a while, producing gems such as […]

Fight for the Future

In a few minutes, you won’t be able to read this website. Like so many others, I’m joining the blackout on January 18th to protest the SOPA/PIPA legislation being considered by the US Congress. If you don’t know what SOPA or PIPA are, let me summarize: SOPA and PIPA are […]

Here’s to The Weird

“I think what weird fiction tries to do, it’s unsettle you to some degree. But it also wants to make the world bigger than you ever thought it was, or could be.” From a great interview with Stephen Graham Jones over at Weird Fiction Review.

I’d call them shameless plugs but…

…I suppose there’s a little bit of shame there. First off, Lulu is having a sale between now and the end of the month. You can order any of my books at 25% off. Which isn’t half-bad, if you stop to think about it. It’s perhaps only a quarter bad. […]

“Almost four million children…”

“Almost four million children in the UK do not own a book, according to a report by the National Literacy Trust. …Poorer children and boys were less likely to have books, it added. …About a fifth of children said they had never been to a book shop or a library.” […]

The Book Job

I just watched this episode of The Simpson’s last night. It’s wicked funny and you get a very nice performance from that nice Mr. Neil Gaiman as well…

“Superheroes are our dreams of ourselves.”

comicbookGRRRL has posted a full transcript of her interview with the extraordinary gentleman Alan Moore in which he waxes on all sorts of excellent topics, including his next novel “Jerusalem” which sounds fascinating… “And at the same time as this I’ve been working upon my novel Jerusalem which is at […]

Discovery of the Week: Trust Me, I’m a Doctor

Plague Doctor Masks on Etsy. Believe it or not, this is research for the next book I write after I finish my next book. (Also, in case you’re wondering what I want for Christmas. Hint.)

Almost thirty years ago…

…a fellow in a dream told me “He who dies…” but I woke up before he could finish what he had to say. Tonight I finally heard the end of that phrase thanks to Boardwalk Empire. So there’s that. (Best show on television, by the way.)